USF FCU Plays Key Role in Conference


USF Federal Credit Union (USF FCU) leaders and staff are speaking this week at the 30th Anniversary Sterling Conference focusing on performance excellence.

USF FCU was awarded the prestigious Florida Governor’s Sterling Award for performance excellence in 2020 for its 6-year journey to streamline systems and processes to better serve the credit union’s members.

At this year’s conference, USF FCU President and CEO Richard J. Skaggs was chosen to deliver the keynote address. His message to the attendees focused on the theme of Leading with Heart, which is a core belief for the credit union staff. “I constantly tell all staff to be the CEOs of their own areas,” Skaggs says. “By encouraging that, we’ve made tremendous strides in employee engagement and retention.”

Other topics addressed in breakout sessions chaired by USF FCU staff included values-based hiring practices, the creation of a well-run leadership system and the need for a strong strategic plan that’s constantly reviewed by all employees.

As a result of the performance excellence initiatives, the credit union has experienced rapid growth, highly improved member satisfaction and increased giving to the community it serves.

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